Why this blog? – Religion Plus Common Sense

 NOTICE: In 2019, I combined my less active blogs, including “Religion Plus Common Sense,” to twimconotes.blogspot.com . The below post was my opening statements when I originally started “Religion Plus Common Sense.

Too often it feels like the world is telling me that I must choose between religion and common sense. That I cannot believe in God without intentionally making myself ignorant. And that if I choose to believe the scientific discoveries of our fellow men, I must think that religion has now been proven wrong. … Believing in the Lord sometimes feels so primitive, similar to believing in Greek Mythology. But somehow, I KNOW that God exists and I want to be on his good side.

My biggest arguments for the idea that science and religion can co-exist and you should not drop one in favor of the other are:  God allowed us to develop good, strong brains with incredible thinking power. Shouldn’t we use what He has given us? And … The Bible, supposedly the most widely distributed way to see the words of God, is already long enough without Him telling us every little detail of the universe.

Here is my outlet to discuss the topics of religion vs science and religion vs human nature in a way that does not lead to a huge argument with my loved ones. I hope to find a few like-minded people in my readers. And I hope to gain a better understanding of why the other sides think the way that they do as people who have a different point of view read and comment.